BOILER PUFF BACK CLAIMSFor many years we have been extremely successful in documenting the cause of loss to a heating system, boiler or furnace. In many cases these are basic inspections which deal with an examination of the heating unit to determine the cause of damage. Normally there are several factors: Age or wear and tear to the unit, lack of maintenance or a sudden and accidental event involving the boiler or their controls that result in their damage. A basic inspection can be quoted which may include clerical and tax if applicable.
A major heating system failure that may involve soot damage, fire or explosion would be conducted under our engineering services.
Puff Back / Soot or Residue Evaluation
Our examination within a structure can determine scientifically the source of soot, smoke, dust or dirt within the building. An evaluation of the heating system can also determine whether there was a puff back claim or issues concerning maintenance or improper servicing by technicians.
We also have the capability of sampling these residues to perform chemical analysis to scientifically document the source of the residue and whether it is related to a sudden and accidental event or a long term event which could simply be environmental residue, dust, candle particulates, etc.
We direct your attention to our Newsletter titled Property on the home page where there is a detailed description of the services and all the potential sources that exist within a structure.
These services are not flat rated and price quotes concerning the examination based on the location can be provided to you prior to your authorization to handle these investigations.